Dog Blog~The First Week With Your New Puppy

The first week home with your new puppy is by far, the most important week. During this week, you and your family will need to agree on a routine and regular schedule, along with rules and responsibilities for each member.

It is very important to know, that although excitement is in the air about a new puppy, the rules that you have agreed upon must take effect immediately. Otherwise, their will be confusion for the puppy and a harder time training for you. This means, that when your heart is breaking that first night because your puppy is whining and you want to bring her into your bed, but have discussed with everyone that she will be sleeping in a crate at night or on her own bed…. DON’T. Establish your routine as soon as the first night! You will be glad you did later. A puppy needs security and routine to feel safe and loved. So give her just that. Don’t overly shower her with words and petting if that is not what you will be able to give her every day for the rest of her life. Puppies need time to sleep, so let her sleep. Don’t interrupt her. Don’t hover over her while she is eating.

It is also important to explain your rules to your puppy right away since they are so impressionable at this age. Provide chew toys for her and praise her whenever she plays or chews on them. If you catch her chewing on something other than her toys, firmly say “Off” and show her they toy that she may chew on. Do not scold her if you do not catch her in the act or she won’t know why she is being scolded. This just brings more confusion and doesn’t help you in the training process.

This first week might be a tiring one, but all of it will pay many rewards if you choose to do these things right away. Your hard work will not go unnoticed and you will end up having a well-rounded, well-behaved dog.

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