The Boxer: The Right Breed for You?

The Boxer

It can sometimes seem impossible to select the right canine breed for you and your family; each one is so starkly different from the other, and none of them have the traits you need to fit into your family and bring joy and happiness to you and everyone is in your household! If you know for certain that you want a purebred dog for your companion, then you’re in luck: one breed in particular is a great companion to any families across the world, and that is the Boxer!

What Makes a Boxer So Special?

The Boxer breed of dog has a lot going for it, all of which has led to the breed being the breed-of-choice for so many families. The dog is large, muscled, and very sleek looking, making it an attractive breed choice whose coat is not the worst choice for those worried or concerned about allergies. Additionally, the Boxer’s coat requires little in the way of grooming!

Your Boxer is also playful, with a great love of games and playing with others. Their seemingly inexhaustible energy is great for families with kids who are also seeking playmates! Indeed, your Boxer also makes a great protector for your children, as the breed has reputation for loyalty and steadfastness.

Earning Your Boxer

Of course, there are some issues with the Boxer, as there is with any breed. The energy that makes the Boxer such a delight can, for some, simply be too much; make sure that you are up to the challenge of entertaining and training this breed of dog with that in mind first! The Boxer can sometimes be quite stubborn and difficult to train, so patience and a willingness to take charge of your new dog are necessary in many cases, lest your new Boxer remain untrained – rather unhealthy for your dog and your family!

Other issues plague Boxers, though they are primarily health ones, such as a propensity for snorting, wheezing, and snoring in their sleep – the consequence of the snub nose that we see. The breed can also sometimes have a problem with slobbering and drooling, as well as with being overly gassy. If you can overlook these problems (and select your dog very carefully!) then the breed may very well be for you!

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