The Story of Lassie

lassie collieLassie, the classic American collie.

Perhaps the quintessential “man’s best friend” is Lassie, the collie who was on American television in the mid-50s, who was previously featured in stories about dogs and their owners, and now is seen as the perfect aid, companion, protector, and friend to man. Indeed, when we think of the kind of dog we’d like to have, Lassie often springs to mind. As depicted in fiction, Lassie was often running off to save others, communicating surprisingly well and displaying incredible intelligence, grace under pressure, and capabilities. We can all see the appeal of such a pet!

But Why a Pet?

Throughout the mid-fifties and well into the ‘70s, in fact, Lassie was broadcast, with the dog initially living on a farm with a young boy as her master. The rural setting was not uncommon in the television of those days; American life was lived outside of cities in many instances, and the suburbs were still forming as the standard in middle class American life. Besides, what better place for a dog to roam free and for disasters to happen for that dog to save its master from than in farmland!

The choice of a collie for a dog like Lassie is not surprising, however. The dog is incredibly intelligent – in fact, the collie is considered one of the most intelligent dogs that is widely available today. It’s also a photogenic dog, with a great coat, a gentle manner and bearing, and yet still quite striking in its beauty. Finally, the dog is protective, kind, and thoughtful, something any collie-owner can tell you. That’s why so many still turn to the collie after all this time – the example that Lassie sets is tough to live up to, but the collie breed manages, and beautifully so! Today you have your choice of a wide number of breeds, but few have the pedigree of a so widely beloved dog as Lassie!

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