The Siberian Husky: What’s All the Fuss?

Siberian husky puppyWhen we talk about Siberia, we are talking about a land that is so renowned for its inhospitable environment that it has become synonymous with the Russian gulag and the concept of life imprisonment and exile, all tied to an icy tundra where only few have truly thrived. This, then, is the namesake of the Siberian Husky, a dog whose ability to survive and even flourish in such an environment has earned it a reputation for toughness, stubbornness, and adaptability. Indeed, many have come to fall in love with the breed, and not without reason; it is an incredible breed, and certainly worth looking into if you are looking for a canine companion!

The Origin of the Breed

Huskies were originally developed to be sled dogs, which, as you can imagine, was pretty useful in the frozen tundras of Russia. In fact, some huskies are still used to pull sleds in those areas that require them for transportation over more modern modes of transport. Huskies are renowned for their intelligence, yet they are capable of great independence; these two traits make them fantastic survivors, and exactly the kind of companion you’d want at your side in this kind of environment; you wouldn’t want to have to care for your dog the whole time while trying to keep yourself alive and (relatively, anyway) comfortable in Siberia!

What to Look For

Yet the intelligence of the Siberian Husky means that it is vital that you train your dog properly as soon as you can. If you allow a Huskie to learn bad habits, it will be difficult to break them of it, and with their intelligence, they learn quite a bit quite fast. Provided with fast, immediate, and effective obedience training from an early age, you can provide your husky with the foundation for a happy and productive life with you and your family. Of course, the increased popularity of the Siberian Husky has in itself created a whole new slew of problems, and puppy mills and other disreputable organizations have sought to capitalize on the husky’s popularity with unscrupulous breeding and care practices. Steer clear of such organizations and you should be able to find yourself exactly what you want in a dog: a strong, independent, intelligent, and loyal companion!

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