3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear puppies

3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear puppies

Shichon puppies or Teddy bear puppies are just as cute and hilarious as you expect. They are sweet, loyal, and loving animals that are completely happy playing with you on the living room floor or taking a cross country road trip with their best friend (you, of course). There are a few things you may not know about these adorable little fluffs of fur, however, that may make you a better pet owner. Here are a few.

Mixed breed between Shih-Tzu and Bichon Frise.

Shichon dogs are mixed breed instead of purebred. This means that the temparments of the parents are passed down and mixed into the puppies. While this can be beneficial for some families it may not be for others. Before considering adoption, research both breeds to make sure you’re choosing the right dog for your family. After you’ve made the decision discuss adoption with breeders that can give you solid and honest advice. They may have a puppy that is just perfect or they may be able to suggest another breeder in the area if needed.

Teddy Bears are needy

Because they are mixed bred between two very loyal dogs, these little cotton balls will never ever, ever want to leave your side. At first this will be super cute and you will be more than happy to take them everywhere with you but after the first couple months you will really miss little things like privacy and personal space.

That is perfectly normal but you should not make the dog suffer because of that. Shichons do well in families because they can be passed from one family member to another. It will give you time to breathe and the little guy won’t feel abandoned. If you live on your own and need a break it may be time to ask a friend to babysit or invest in a few days of doggy daycare.

Great little exercise coaches

Another blessing or curse of these dogs is that they have endless amounts of energy once they become full-grown. For those who are active this means you have a workout buddy who is always willing to go on hikes with you, go for a run, or even a swim (provided they get a cool little vest first).

For those who consider themselves to be more sedentary creatures you may want to look into another breed or consider seriously investing in workout clothes because these little guys have no time to wait.

So if you still think this is the dog for you, look for a reputable breeder who can answer detailed questions and is more than happy to provide references and sources if needed.



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