Protect Your Dog from 3 Winter Hazards

Winter Hazards for Dogs3 Winter Hazards To Be Aware of For Your Dog

Dogs love snow; well, most do, anyway. After all, they get to rough around in it, toss and playing and rolling and jumping and running and digging tunnels and holes and more, and then it comes back again all fresh and new and they can do it all over again. It’s pretty much the same reason kids love snow, actually; there is a renewal of fun that comes every time, though of course, the kids have the extra benefit of getting off school for the day. Still, dogs love the winter, which is why it’s so important for you to be on the lookout for the many dangers that the winter presents, dangers that are somewhat unique to the season and that could easily do serious, lasting harm to your dog.

  1. Chemicals

Of course, you always have to be on the lookout for dangerous chemicals that could poison your dog, but winter brings out a whole new host of chemicals that you need to be aware of. Specifically, winter sees ice-melting salts, windshield wiper fluid, antifreeze, and more all entering the ecosystem, things that your dog could come into contact with and that could absolutely end your dog’s life if too much is ingested or exposed to him/her.

  1. Exposure

Your dog has a coat of fur, but in cold enough temperatures this just isn’t enough. Rain, snow, wind, and the biting cold of winter can still be sufficient to cause hypothermia and frostbite in your dog, especially if they aren’t the sort of dog that does well in the cold in the first place. Make sure your dog spends plenty of time indoors and that they are well-insulated there.

  1. Fire

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire are all well and good, but when you have your fireplace roaring, make sure that your dog can’t have his or her fur set on fire, or that smoke inhalation won’t be a problem for them. All of these are risks that your dog may be less apt to be wary of; monitor the fire, monitor your dog, and everyone will be better off for your vigilance!


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