Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month.

I'm ready for my close upLyme Disease can be a painful, tiring, chronic illness that if not treated with caution can shorten the lifespan of your pooch. Luckily it is not only manageable but you can take action to actually prevent the disease. Here are a few tips on how to prevent contraction or deal with the illness if your dog has already been infected.

Check up

Always check your pup after they have been outside. It may have been four hours or 30 minutes. You should always look over your dog for ticks when they come in. The deer tick will not be able to infect your dog for at least 36 to 48 hours. Be sure to check them on a daily basis so they stay safe, happy, and healthy. You should always check around their paws, around their neck and on their stomachs. Ticks like to find hidden areas (especially in the neck) where they won’t be found easily. Check the folds in your dog’s skin and throughout the undercoat if they have long or thick hair. You may also want to get them groomed on a more frequent basis in the summer. This will keep their hair shorter so they can be cooler outside and it will be easier to find ticks if they attach themselves.

Year round problem

Be aware that ticks are a year round issue for your pet. Even in the snow ticks are able to hide in the ground or warm brush throughout your yard. Do your pup a favor and give them regular brushings during the winter so they are able to keep their coat manageable and you can look for ticks as they drift off to sleep. If you have a dog that does not like being brushed, have someone pet them while you gently look over their coat. Don’t forget to give them a good belly rub afterward. They deserve it!

If you want to give your pet added protection, purchase pet safe bug spray, that contains natural ingredients and if able, avoids the use of essential oils. While many natural bug repellants with essential oils can be used on humans it may hurt your pup because their livers may not be able to process the oil that was absorbed through their skin. Cats are even more sensitive and can die if brought into contact with essential oils. With this in mind, research the products well so you can keep your pet safe.

Test every year

Set a time where you have your pup tested for Lyme disease every year. It will help you keep your dog safe and if the contract the disease you will be able to act quickly and accordingly.

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