Pet Dental Health Month

Your pet’s dental health can affect the rest of their body if not treated properly. Taking care of your pooch or kitten’s oral health can keep them happy and healthy for years to come. Here are a few ways to keep your pet’s teeth healthy.

Brush ‘em

It may not be the easiest or the most fun activity you and your dog share but they will thank you down the road. To brush your pet’s teeth you will want to find a pet-friendly toothpaste that they will enjoy. Then purchase a toothbrush fit for their mouth. While cats may be fine with a regular toothbrush (and they are incredibly patient) your pooch may need a larger one from the pet store. Once you find the perfect brush and paste you will want to introduce them to each item gradually. Let them sniff the items and even place them by their bed or food bowl so they can become accustomed to each on their own. When they are comfortable you can begin gently opening their mouth and brushing their teeth. If they snarl or growl take a break. If they still protest you can take your pet to the veterinarian to have them professionally cleaned.


Like the rest of us pets need to have regular dental check-ups and cleanings so their mouths stay healthy. Check-ups and cleanings will help keep your pet’s breath fresh and it may help them stay healthy overall. You can often have this procedure done at the same time your pet has had other check-ups. They will, however, be put under anesthetics for cleanings. If able bring them into the vet before work so they can undergo the cleaning and be ready to head home when you pick them up for work.


Your pet’s diet affects everything within their body. They need to have a healthy, wholesome diet to live a long, happy, and healthy life. If you have the time and energy you can always make your pet their food using simple ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and grains. If not be sure to always check the ingredient list on the packaging. For any cat or dog (and many other pets) you will want protein to be one of the first ingredients. You should also avoid as many harmful preservatives and additives as possible. If you are purchasing food at a grocery store it will be difficult. I suggest buying pet food from a local pet store because they will have smaller, healthier brands in stock.

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