Personality Profile: Labrador Retrievers


Labrador retrievers are one of the most popular breeds in the world and for very good reason. They are incredibly sweet, loving, patient dogs that adore the companionship of humans and are incredibly eager to impress their owner. Labs are very intelligent dogs that can understand many commands and have been employed for years are service dogs for those living with handicaps. Labradors are also perfect family dogs that adore everyone in their pack young and old and are always gentle. If you decide to adopt a lab for your family here are a few things you may want to consider.


These dogs are often a medium to large sized dog and have plenty of energy. Be sure to take your dog on a nice long walk every day or several shorter walks through out the day. You should also play a game of fetch or Frisbee with your pup after walks so they are mentally engaged and will not become antsy if you leave the home or need to do a bit of housework. Labrador retrievers were bred to well, retrieve game during hunts. Because of this they love to swim. Some of the best exercise you can give your dog is a good day of swimming. In the summer let your pup cool off in the pool or in a nearby pond. They will be thrilled and you will have a very relaxed pooch afterward.


This breed can gain weight quickly if not fed the proper diet. If you decide to adopt a lab be sure to do so with their diet in mind. You will want to invest in quality food for them and keep them on a strict feeding schedule. This way they will be less likely to beg for table scraps and they will be able to maintain a healthy weight. One of the best dog treats you can give your pup are the ones made at home. We make basic oatmeal muffins with a dollop of peanut butter on each muffin that the dogs absolutely love. It helps keep their digestive system regular and gives them a healthier treat than many store bought confections.


Labradors are very easy to train in comparison to other breeds. With that in mind you may still want to employ a dog trainer for a session or two if this is your first dog. Like any other dog, labs need structure so they will avoid becoming stressed and anxious.

Take care of this pup and they will always take care of you.

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