Personality Profile: French Bulldogs


High Society

French bulldogs were bred to be companions of the upper class in England and were often seen visiting France with their lace maker owners which is how they became French Bulldogs or Frenchies. Because of the company they kept, their small stature and rarity Frenchies were known for only being in upper class homes. But like the pup, Percy, in Disney’s adaption of Pocahontas this breed is sweet, loyal and will never turn his nose up at anyone. Your pooch may, however, turn up their nose at dog food if it isn’t perfect.

Family Oriented

Their popularity grew as the breed aged. They are wonderful family dogs and can adapt well in small or large environments. They do best with children a little older than five but if properly socialized they will be able to get along with anyone. Keep in mind that Frenchies may be a little timid around new people and need to be well trained early on in adoption. If not trained appropriately they can become anxious and very suspicious of new people so socialization and creating boundaries is key. If you decide to adopt a French bulldog you will want to schedule training sessions with a professional so you and your pooch will have better communication.


Like other pups in this breed they are prone to breathing and digestive problems. Be sure to keep the folds in their face clean so their airways are clear and make sure they always have plenty of water and a healthy diet. As many owners will tell you French bulldogs can be well, gassy. Making sure they have wholesome food will help keep the stink at bay and can help your pooch maintain a healthy weight. You should also keep your new friend active with daily walks and plenty of fetch. By keeping a healthy weight they will be able to breathe easier and digest better and everyone in your home will be thankful.

French bulldogs are loving, sweet, smart, and affectionate. Because they are rare you may need to sign onto a list with a breeder and understand you will be paying a bit more. Be sure to research all breeders before considering adoption to ensure you are getting a healthy and well-adjusted pup. Once you find the perfect breeder be sure to stay in contact and prepare your home for this adorable little ball of energy!


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