Personality Profile: Boston Terriers

Boston terriers are sweet, loyal, hilarious dogs that can be perfect for any family. If you are considering adopting this breed you should understand they do have certain health issues such as breathing and digestion that will be a constant factor throughout their life. You should also understand that these are incredibly intelligent and headstrong dogs that will require training from an early age and plenty of it. This can be a blessing for some owners, however. Unlike many breeds the Boston terrier is somewhat independent. This dog will often be fine having a quiet night at home with you or sitting by your feet while you have your morning coffee. Like every possible pet, you should always research the breed and consider your own lifestyle.


As mentioned Boston terriers can have some breathing problems that cause wheezing, snoring, and asthma. If your pup has these issues you will want to keep them at a healthy weight and give them a healthy diet. This way they will not have excess weight impeding their breathing and you won’t have to wake up to snoring in the middle of the night.

Another good reason to keep your Boston terrier active and healthy is to avoid any improper digestion. Boston terriers were bred to have short torsos. While it gives them their signature look (and makes them absolutely adorable), it can create digestion problems and excess gas. Make sure your pup has a well-balanced meal every meal and avoid junk food. You should also try to keep them trim and healthy by taking them on daily walks and playing with them regularly. If they are not cared for Boston terriers can suffer from surprisingly noxious gas, stomach cramps, and poor elimination. Something everyone would like to avoid.


Boston terriers are very intelligent and absolutely thrilled to make you happy. Upon adoption be sure to socialize them quickly and begin training as soon as possible. This breed responds best to rewards and will be determined to master the task if treats are on the line. Be sure to get them after they have napped though. If you have a sleepy terrier in front of you it is unlikely they will lift a paw.

Though it may seem tedious at first training your Boston terrier is crucial. Without training they will become anxious, destructive, and incredibly territorial. They are often seen as very peaceful and loving dogs but if they are not given boundaries will often nip and jump at new friends and neighbors.

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