The Perfect Christmas Gifts for Your Dog

dog Christmas giftsPresents For Your Pooch

Christmas is a funny time to be a dog-owner. Most of the time, when it comes to your dog, you have three primary expenses to concern yourself with: your dog’s health, your dog’s comfort, and your dog’s food and care. Beyond that, your dog is not much of a financial burden; in fact, compared to cats, this is one of the primary benefits of owning a dog, as you don’t have to buy tons of cat litter to help look after your dog! Yet during Christmas, you may find your dog expenses racking up a bit more, as it isn’t just your family and friends who have things they might enjoy that you could get them for Christmas – your dog may be interested in a gift or too as well!

Rest and Relaxation

Yes, your dog isn’t knocking down your door asking for this or that gift, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want it! There are several gifts that often find themselves under the Christmas tree for the discerning dog-owner’s best friend, some of which are ill-suited to dogs, but some of which are really quite great for them. Chief among them is the bed or couch that is fitted for a dog. These are often made for lapdogs, the small dogs that can fit on a 1×1 cushion and be happy, but there are larger couches and beds that are made explicitly for dogs of larger size as well. All of these pieces of furniture are low enough that your dog can easily climb into it and lay down, relaxing just as you relax in the living room or wherever you decide to situate it!

The Feeding Platter

Another Christmas gift for dogs that we often see these days is the feeding platter. This gift is actually quite a bit more for you than for your dog, though; it helps you to transfer food and water from where you’re filling their bowls to the ground, and also contains any mess made by your dog’s feeding habits. You can clean things up quickly and easily with a feeding platter! All of this and more can be found under your Christmas tree, and heck, your dog might even do you the favor of tearing their gifts open too! If not, we’re sure your kids will enjoy doing the honors for them.

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