The Origins of the Spaniel: Just What is a Spaniel?

What is a Spaniel? You hear many different words associated with various dog breeds, but often, the meaning of those terms is lost in history and the changing of languages. Fortunately, we are still able to trace those words back to specific meanings if we take the effort to do…

The Story of Scooby-Doo

The Story of Scooby-Doo You remember Scooby-Doo – that Saturday morning cartoon about a band of teenagers driving around in a van, solving mysteries that revolved around spooky ghosts, mummies, and more, with plenty of musical numbers accompanying the “action,” so to speak. Most importantly, the namesake of the show,…

Corgis: Cute, Happy, Healthy, and Smart!

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Without a doubt, the most adorable breed of dog is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Few other breeds can inspire such absolute devotion to their cuteness, as exemplified in every culture in which they are brought into dog-owners’ homes! For this reason alone, many families decide to…

Why Won’t My Dog Eat?

Why Does My Dog Refuse Food? When your dog does not eat the food you put in front of them, it may just be more than them being picky eaters. Your dog may be sick, nervous, or in new surroundings which may cause them to be reluctant to eat. Luckily…

When and What to Feed Your Dog When They Lose Appetite

When and What to Feed Your Dog When They Lose Appetite When your pet is not eating it can be incredibly worrisome and frustrating. Having options and answers can help make your pet’s life and your own much more comfortable and easier. With these options you may find a good…

5 Common Health Risks To Watch Out For In Your New Puppy

5 Common Health Risks To Watch Out For In Your New Puppy Getting a new puppy can be an exciting and fun experience for a new owner, couple, or family. Once you get the new puppy you will want to make sure they are comfortable in their new surroundings and…

Rottweilers – Brave and Loyal

Rottweilers have always been known as brave and loyal companions for families. They have been trained as fierce protectors for homes, businesses, and even in war times. This has lead to a not-so-favorable opinion about the breed accusing them of attacking passerby at houses or becoming violent. Like all canines,…

Why a Bichon Frise

Why a Bichon Frise? These days we are spoiled for our choice of breeds when it comes to selecting a canine companion. You can choose just about any kind of dog you want, so long as you are willing to take the time to care for them, rear them, train…

How to Know if Your Pup Needs an Exercise Routine

  Depending on the breed, activity, and diet you may need to make sure your pet gets a bit more exercise than others. By going for an extra walk or play a nightly game of Frisbee after work you may help your furry friend live a longer, happier life. Know…

Top 5 Nearby Outdoor Destinations for You and Your Dog

Outdoor Destinations For Canine and You! Chickies Rock – Columbia, PA Chickies is a great way to get plenty of exercise with your pooch. There are plenty of trails that vary in difficulty and views. One of the best trails is the one to Pinnacle. It is a fairly easy…

The Alaskan Malamute: Family Dog From the Great North

Family Dog From the Great North Of the dogs that bear a passing resemblance to their wolf forbears, few are quite so wolfish in appearance as the Alaskan Malamute. Their shaggy fur, piercing eyes, and strong bodies make them formidable creatures, but they are also man’s best friend on the…

Top Ten Animated Canine Companions, Part Two

Canine Companions, Part Two Dogs are man’s best friend, and we can see that represented in all of our media, including cartoons and other animated shows and films! In fact, many cartoon dogs are iconic characters whom we remember more fondly than most human characters, and long after their shows…