Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions

Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions Before adopting a new companion, you should always consider what time you have to devote to a new family member, what activities you will want or be able to have them participate in, and how you will be able to include them in your…

Three Little Known Facts About African Boerboels

What You May Want to Know Before Adopting An African Boerboel Boerboels are Gentle Giants That May Be Perfect For Your Family African Borboels (pronounced burbulls) were bred in South Africa to protect farms and homes from predators and used to hunt wounded game. The history of Boerboels is varied…

3 Surprising Facts About Your Labrador Retriever

 Surprising Facts About Your Lab! The Labrador Retriever is perhaps the most well-known dog among Americans, and with good reason: the breed is loyal, intelligent, kindhearted, strong, energetic, obedient, and beautiful. What isn’t to love? Yet despite its popularity, the breed actually holds quite a few mysteries yet, as well…

Happy National Dog Day 2015!

Happy National Dog Day everyone! You know, it’s kinda fitting that right smack dab in the middle of what we commonly call the “Dog Days of Summer” that we have a day to actually pay tribute to Man’s (and Woman’s) Best Friend:) This year represents the start of a new…

Why a Bichon Frise?

Why a Bichon Frise? These days we are spoiled for our choice of breeds when it comes to selecting a canine companion. You can choose just about any kind of dog you want, so long as you are willing to take the time to care for them, rear them, train…

Where Are They Now? Fargo

  Where Are They Now? Fargo Fargo has always been the largest pup in his pack and is thrilled to meet new people and try new things (especially if it includes mud). When we first brought Fargo home he was shy but more than happy to have a belly rub…

Where Are They Now? Lulu

Where Are They Now? Lulu Lulu was the runt of her litter but has always made sure that her voice was heard. Her and Fargo (her half brother) have grown up together since they were adopted and while Fargo towers over her she makes sure he knows that she is…

Three Ways To Help Calm Your Dog’s Fear of Thunder

Three Ways To Help Calm Your Dog’s Fear of Thunder Have A Plan You will want to have a thunderstorm plan that will make your dog as comfortable as possible. Spend an hour outside before the storm so they have plenty of time to play and use the bathroom. This…

3 Little Known Facts About Cockapoos

3 Little Known Facts About Cockapoos Cockapoos have always been a sweet and happy addition to any family or the perfect best friend for any apartment dweller. These guys are always trying to find ways to cheer you up or get you to play. If you’re thinking about getting a…

3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear puppies

3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear puppies Shichon puppies or Teddy bear puppies are just as cute and hilarious as you expect. They are sweet, loyal, and loving animals that are completely happy playing with you on the living room floor or taking a cross country road trip…

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Without a doubt, the most adorable breed of dog is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Few other breeds can inspire such absolute devotion to their cuteness, as exemplified in every culture in which they are brought into dog-owners’ homes! For this reason alone, many families decide to…

What is Luxating Patella, and What Breeds Suffer From It?

What is Luxating Patella? The breeding programs that various canine breeds have been put through over the centuries have led to a wide variety of dogs that have various specialties and talents, strengths and quirks, but unfortunately these purebreds also suffer from a number of different disabilities, disorders, and challenges…