Why does my dog chew on things?!

If you own a dog then you fully understand the fact that your puppy/dog is going to chew things, but keeping them from chewing up your $50 pair of shoes is very important. I ,for instance, have never owned a dog I didn’t have to discourage from chewing things they should…

Spring Dog Safety Guide

With the first day of spring right around the corner, it is time to start thinking about the wonderful, and concerning things that come with the change of a season. It goes without saying that this is a great time to add to your family if you are thinking about…

How Often Should I Feed My Puppy?

When you get your new puppy, it will seem so tempting to just feed him constantly, as he will always seem hungry! Alot of people think that the only difference between feeding a puppy and feeding a grown dog is the type and amount of food, but this is untrue….

Does my Dog have Anxiety?

Most people don’t realize how easily a dog can become anxious. Dogs are simple creatures that can become very uncomfortable with certain surroundings. As an example, I at one point owned a Rottweiler and a Min-Pin, and I noticed every day the similarities and differences between the two breeds. The…

But My Dog Loves Table Scraps!

And so it goes without saying, any dog will love to eat their master’s leftovers! But the fact is it is horrible for your dog! I have seen this backfire over and over again, either with the dog just getting an upset stomach, or with a more serious concern like…

Training Your Puppy To Respect You

I love puppies, and I love to show them a ridiculous amount of love and attention, but at what point do you over stimulate your pet? Every puppy needs praise and love, but much like a child, if you only praise and love, and never command respect, your dog will…

What Should I Name My Puppy?

So you have decided to buy a new puppy, you have found puppies for sale, and you have picked one out that you are buying. “Oh my goodness! What in the world should I name him?” Finding a suitable name for your furry new friend may be harder than finding…

Heartworm In Dogs

Thanks for coming back to your favorite provider of puppies for sale. Today I want to make you aware of the threat that Heartworm poses to your puppy. While easily prevented, it often goes overlooked buy pet owners and in a lot of cases is caught when it is too late. The…

Jack Russell

Breed Description: The Jack Russell is a terrier with the heart of a working breed. These small in stature but large in character dogs are highly intelligent and needs a lot of stimulation. This breed is ideal for agility related sporting or small game hunting. The breed has been known…

Kaye Ames School for Dogs

Being that we are a leading provider of Puppies for sale in PA, I would like to recognize a true asset in the Dog Obedience Training field. Kay Ames has been training dogs since 1962. In Lancaster, she is a household name for any dog lover, and is well known…

Puppies Need Friends Too!

In many ways our pets act like we do. They can get sick, be moody, and in some cases, be anti-social. It is extremely important that we give our puppies the proper amount of exposure to other dogs. Early in a dogs life they go through a stage that will…

Why Does My Dog Shed?

It’s a pretty common question, isn’t it? Why do dogs shed and when does it happen, it it worse in a certain season? From the moment we hit go, we pull out the lint brush and expect the worst, but we can help our canine companions to shed a little…