4 Problems Facing Your Dog This Summer

You’ve got a lot to look out for this summer when it comes to your dog, everything ranging from the weather to travel to food to just about every other aspect of their life. Let’s face it: when you have a dog you love and care about, you practically have…

Help Your Dog Get Out More!

Dogs are, quite naturally, social animals. That’s no wonder, considering the symbiotic relationship their species has formed with ours over the years, both of us getting quite a bit out of a relationship that is essentially social in nature. We bond and connect with each other while also performing services…

What a Dog Does for the Elderly

Dogs can have quite a bit of energy, sometimes more than we are prepared for as their owners and caregivers! They are, after all, a naturally rambunctious, curious, playful species, one that has grown up and developed alongside us and come to anticipate our own desires and interests as far…

3 Ways Dogs are Great For Your Mental and Physical Health

Oftentimes, dogs are trained to be therapeutic pets, going from hospital to hospital and offering up their services as friends and companions to those in need of a speedy recovery. The positive impact these pets can have on patients is a medical fact, and it’s a wonderful thing to see…

How Dogs Handle the Hottest of Seasons

Summer is here, and it promises to be a hot one. With such a harsh, cold winter behind us, that can be rather comforting, but for some, summer can be a rough time – for dog owners especially. Your dog, after all, doesn’t have the benefit of sweating or the…

Doggie Problems in the Summer

Dogs tend to absolutely love summer, because it is the season where they get to spend the most time outside, romping and playing and generally enjoying outdoors life. Dogs, after all, need play and fun to truly be fit, happy, and healthy, and that tires them out enough that you…

Helping Your Dog Be Happy Again

Your dog can get excited, curious, upset, or scared… so what other emotions can you expect of your dog? Can they, for example, experience mental illness such as in the case of depression? It’s true – your dog is just as susceptible to depression as any other dog, just as…

Hybrid or Purebred, That is the Question

When you talk about getting a new dog, you’re largely faced with three choices: first, there are the mixed-breed “mutts” whose heritage is largely unknown, though you might be able to tell from their appearance or behavior what breeds were involved in their making; second, there is the purebred dog,…

A Dog-Lover’s Allergies: A Thing of the Past

There’s quite a hoopla over the health and well-being of your dog, and justifiably so; you want your dog to be happy, and regular visits to the veterinarian – as well as simply ensuring the future health of your dog before you even bring him or her into your home…

Why a Doberman Pinscher May Be Right For You

The Doberman Pinscher is one of the most popular breeds in the world, but it also carries with it a particular stigma that the breed has often struggled with in terms of adoptions. Indeed, many families choose not to adopt a Doberman because of the fear that the dog will…