Why Does Your Dog Shed?

Why Does Your Dog Shed? When you wake up in the morning, you may notice the occasional hair on your pillow. You’re not shedding, however; you’re just losing the occasional hair! Dogs, however, shed quite a bit, and for pretty good reasons. Yes, you both lose hair, but your dog…

Is Your Dog Nervous?

Have A Nervous Dog? Are small dogs actually more nervous, or more prone to anxiety, than larger dogs? In short, no; dogs of any size can experience anxiety in larger or smaller amounts, with much of that behavior and attitude being owed to the upbringing, environment and training of the…

The Siberian Husky: What’s All the Fuss?

When we talk about Siberia, we are talking about a land that is so renowned for its inhospitable environment that it has become synonymous with the Russian gulag and the concept of life imprisonment and exile, all tied to an icy tundra where only few have truly thrived. This, then,…

Why the Barrel of Brandy for a St. Bernard?

The Saint Bernard is an iconic breed, made all the more so by the film Beethoven; certainly, it is our exposure to media that has made certain breeds, such as the Golden Retriever or the Collie, a popular breed choice for families and homes. Yet the Saint Bernard isn’t just…

The Perfect Christmas Gifts for Your Dog

Presents For Your Pooch Christmas is a funny time to be a dog-owner. Most of the time, when it comes to your dog, you have three primary expenses to concern yourself with: your dog’s health, your dog’s comfort, and your dog’s food and care. Beyond that, your dog is not…

What You Should Know About Gum Disease in Dogs

Your dog can seem like it is healthy as a horse, what with its energy, strength, and active lifestyle, but the truth is that it is just as vulnerable to disease and illness as you are; in fact, it is even more vulnerable, as you have the benefit of your…

3 Basic Needs of EVERY Puppy

As a living, breathing animal, your puppy needs a certain amount of help from you to make sure that its needs are met. Sure, an adult dog in the wild can learn to take care of itself and see to its own needs, but puppies need the help of its…

3 Myths About Dog Breeders

Myths About Dog Breeders When seeking to get a new dog for yourself, your family, and your household, you will find yourself looking at a lot of different dog breeders, trying to decide which one is right for you. That’s right; you’re not just looking for a dog, you’re looking…

Dogs Who Love The Winter and Snow

Not every dog is perfect for every situation and every environment. Otherwise all dogs would look the same! Instead we have a wide breadth not just of canine physiognomy but also so many breeds they’re almost impossible to count! Consequently, some dogs excel in some climates and seasons, while others…

Protect Your Dog from 3 Winter Hazards

3 Winter Hazards To Be Aware of For Your Dog Dogs love snow; well, most do, anyway. After all, they get to rough around in it, toss and playing and rolling and jumping and running and digging tunnels and holes and more, and then it comes back again all fresh…

Watch for Heartworms in Your Dog

Heartworms and Your Dog’s Health Your dog faces a surprisingly large amount of health issues, ones that you probably never imagined you’d actually have to deal with, but the truth is that your dog is a living organism, one that likes to get into quite a bit of trouble now…

The Story of Lassie

Lassie, the classic American collie. Perhaps the quintessential “man’s best friend” is Lassie, the collie who was on American television in the mid-50s, who was previously featured in stories about dogs and their owners, and now is seen as the perfect aid, companion, protector, and friend to man. Indeed, when…