3 Dog Breeds that Hate Winter!

3 Dog Breeds that Hate Winter! There are many dogs that absolutely love winter, from the Akita to the Chow Chow to the Alaskan Malamute. Yet for every dog that loves winter weather – the snow, the cold, the ice – there are three that absolutely hate it! If you…

3 Dog Breeds that Love Winter

3 Dog Breeds that Love Winter This past winter has been a stark reminder of just how cold it can get in various parts of the country. With arctic blasts coming from down north, heavy snows falling across multiple states, and wind chill bringing the weather into the negatives, it…

Your German Shepherd Puppy and You

Your German Shepherd Puppy Few dogs are as wonderful to have along with you in this crazy journey we call life as a German Shepherd. They are loyal, strong, obedient, intelligent, and highly adaptable. If you are looking for a protector, they fill the role beautifully; if you are looking…

Why a Toy Poodle?

Why a Toy Poodle? For those who suffer from canine allergies, there is a single directive that is more important than any other when searching for a dog: are they hypoallergenic? Once upon a time, this was hard, if not impossible, to find, but thanks to the miracle of modern…

Choosing the Bernedoodle

Choosing the Bernedoodle We know all about the purebred breeds of old, but what amount the breeds of today? These days our understanding of pedigree and breeding is so in-depth that we no longer create entirely new breeds, but rather seek the take two breeds whose strengths and weaknesses balance…

Your German Shepherd Puppy and You

Your German Shepherd Puppy Few dogs are as wonderful to have along with you in this crazy journey we call life as a German Shepherd. They are loyal, strong, obedient, intelligent, and highly adaptable. If you are looking for a protector, they fill the role beautifully; if you are looking…

Is There REALLY Such A Thing As Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds?

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds The Misconception The idea that hypoallergenic dog breeds exist is certainly attractive—but also misguided. Some breeders tout their dogs as hypoallergenic, but it’s important to know what that really means.  Underneath all of those sweaters your beloved family member is still a canine. All dogs naturally produce…

Choosing the Right Chew Toy for Your Dog

Dog Chews For Chew-sy Dogs Your dog is a friend and companion to you that is always loyal, always there for you, and of course, always looking for a snack! While you could provide your dog with plenty of chewy snacks, bowls of dog food, and more, there are other…

Why Should You Adopt a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier?

Among your many concerns about a new dog being brought into your home, key among them has to be whether or not it will trigger your allergies. You know that most dogs shed and therefore can make your entire home a nightmare of allergic reactions: sneezing, coughing, sinus headaches, hives,…

Why the Hypoallergenic Yorkshire Terrier Could Be For You

Being a dog-lover who also happens to have canine allergies can be a real pain. Dogs are, after all, man’s best friend – they’re friendly, loyal, obedient, intelligent, and quite frankly, they can really come to love you. Stories of dogs standing by their owner’s graves for days and even…