Top Ten Animated Canine Companions, Part One

Canine Companions, Part One Dogs are man’s best friend, so it makes sense that in the stories we tell ourselves, this is reflected – and even magnified in those fictions! Indeed, some cartoon dogs are practically iconic characters that are larger than most human characters, and we remember them well…

What Exactly IS A Hound?

Just What IS a Hound? When talking about dogs and the specialized breeds that comprise the species, we run into a number of words over and over again, words used to describe particular breeds: terriers, bull dogs, and more. One word in particular that we often see is the term “hound,”…

Top Dog Friendly Vacation Destinations In Our Area

5 Dog Friendly Vacation Destinations Lancaster, PA – Beau’s Dream Dog Park at Buchanan Park Beau’s Dream Dog Park welcomes small and large dogs to run around their water park, play a game of fetch (with their own tennis ball throwing tree!), or run through their agility park. Beau’s Park…

Top Dog Breeds For Hiking and the Outdoors

Top 5 Dog Breeds for Hiking German Shepherd German Shepherds are incredibly intelligent and well-behaved dogs. While hiking they will be more than courteous to your fellow hikers and more than happy to stay close to you on the trail. If allowed to go off the leash, however, they can…

Dog Allergies and Spring Time: What To Do To Help Your Pooch

Put Down The Tissues: Dealing with Spring Time Dog Allergies Spring Cleaning Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. Dog hair and dander can get into the strangest places in your home. When you have a animal it is good to dust once a week and vacuum about three times a week. By maintaining…

Springtime Activities For Doggie Days!

Doggie Days: Spring Activities and Exercise Now that the birds are singing and the grass actually looks green it may be time to stretch your legs and have some fun outside. If you have a dog, they may be itching even more than you are to get outside (there is…

Why is the Beagle a Sought-After Hunting Dog?

The Hunting Dog Most purebreds are known for the particular traits that they were bred for, with a wide variety of traits having been in the minds of breeders over the centuries. In some cases, they were seeking simple strength, speed, or intelligence – and certainly these are qualities that every…

The Goldendoodle: Smart, Fun, and Hypoallergenic

Smart, Fun, and Hypoallergenic It can sometimes be difficult for a person to understand the idea that a dog has a purpose that has literally been bred into them, yet that is precisely the case with many purebreds. Over the past several centuries, these purebred dogs have been shaped towards…

Are Allergies a Problem with Miniature Bernedoodles?

The Hypoallergenic Miniature Bernedoodle Allergies can wreak havoc on your life, causing you illness, lethargy, and just generally making you feel miserable for extended periods of time. Tracking down the source of your allergic reaction is critical to living a happy, energetic lifestyle, but sometimes it isn’t that simple. When…

The Boxer: The Right Breed for You?

The Boxer It can sometimes seem impossible to select the right canine breed for you and your family; each one is so starkly different from the other, and none of them have the traits you need to fit into your family and bring joy and happiness to you and everyone…

What Health Problems Will Your Basset Hound Face?

Basset Hound Health Problems   Purebreds are all the rage these days, and basset hounds are no exception. They’re adorable, of course, and intelligent, loyal, and a lovely part of any family. However, like any purebred, they’re also prone to a number of health issues that can make owning them…

Choosing a Yorkshire Terrier for Your Family

Is a Yorkshire Terrier Good for Your Kids?   Of course, you’re going to have a lot of questions when it comes to selecting a dog to become a part of your family. You want the new dog to fit perfectly into your home and household, to get along with…