National Service Dog Eye Examination Month.

More DogsThe American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists hosts this annual event when over 200 veterinary ophthalmologists donate their services to provide eye exams to service dogs in the US and Canada. If you have a pup you can always find one near you or you can set up an appointment at your local veterinarian.

Set up and appointment
Setting up an appointment is simple but arguably most important step. You can either call or email and then you just need to plan ahead. Be sure to plan to stay at the vet while your pooch is going through the procedure and be by their side to keep them calm. While you are setting up the eye exam appointment be sure to set up any other possible appointments your dog may need. This way you can plan ahead and keep your pup in tiptop shape.

Pack a bag
You won’t need too much since this is a quick procedure but you may want to pack a bag of kibble, leash, water, their favorite toy and maybe their favorite blanket for comfort. This will help them stay calm and happy before, during, and after the procedure.
If they find something peculiar you may also want to offer their favorite toy, blanket, and favorite food so your dog is as comfortable as possible. Be sure to stick around so you can calm your dog until they fall asleep and pick them up as early as possible. This will cut down on their stress and anxiety.

Prep your pup
You may want to work with a trainer to prep you pup for the veterinarian if they have never been to the vet or they have not been there for some time. This will make them more comfortable and you will have a way to keep them happy and comfortable by instructing them what to do.

Once your pooch is done be sure to stop by a coffee shop for a puppachino (whipped cream) or a pet store for their favorite treats. For your dog this can be a stressful time and they will be happy to know that you are proud of them. So go ahead and buy the peanut butter, give them a new bone. You both deserve it!

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