Mid-June: Animal Rights Awareness Week

Oh look, a dogA Bit of History

Many have fought for animal rights since ancient Greece. Some of Aristotle’s students were actually vegetarians and Rousseau and Descartes discussed the importance of respecting other species, especially cattle and laboring animals.

As time went on laws were passed in the U.S. and all over the world. One of the first

Laws passed for the betterment of animal rights was Martin’s Act. This act meant cattle and horses could not be abused or mistreated by their owner. While it may seem small it was the first time a law was passed to help animals. This began the progression to animal rights laws and organizations we have today.

In the U.S. organizations have been created that fight for animal rights and help keep animals safe. Organizations like the ASPCA, Humane League and thousands of other organizations and shelters work tirelessly to help fight for animal rights and the betterment of their lives.

What You Can Do

If you want to help fight for animal rights there are countless ways to get involved. Here are just a few.


Volunteering for your local shelter can be the best way to learn about animal rights as well as fight for them. Spending a few hours a month or week can really help you learn about animal rights and understand what you can do to better animal lives.


Donating funds or goods (food, water, toys, etc.) can be a wonderful and necessary gift for your local shelter, animal rescue, or animal rights organization. The pets staying at the organizations need the necessities to keep going while trying to find their forever home. It is also appreciated if you bring prepackaged food and gift cards to the shelter for the staff and volunteers. They are working hard to keep the shelter, rescue, or organization going and can use a little break.

But Most Importantly, Educate Yourself

Become knowledgeable about animal rights and how to fight for these rights in a responsible and ethical manner. Educating yourself about laws, acts, and the rights in place for animals will help you learn more about the cause and what to do so you can have the most positive impact.

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