May 18-24, 2015: Dog Bite Prevention Week.


Beware of D'awwwThis event by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) along with the United States Post Office (USPS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) focuses attention on preventing dog bites. Here are a few things you can do to train your dog not to bite and how to avoid behavior that may cause you to be bit.

If you have a dog

Socialization is key. Your pup has to be comfortable in his or her own home, yard, and neighborhood. Let them formally meet the people like the mail person, the person who drops off Amazon packages and other regulars who just stop by. This will avoid any scary confrontations for you, your dog, and the person just trying to do their job.

You should also have a protocol for when your pooch is meeting someone new. By having a system of greeting your dog knows what to expect and can be comfortable no matter the person or the situation.

Keeping your dog calm is vital when meeting new people. Always stay by their side and keep physical contact if necessary. Your dog trusts you and needs to understand you are in a safe place when around new friends or in public. It is also a good idea to keep a bag of kibble on you to help your dog stay calm and focused when meeting new people. They will learn that they are safe and no one needs a nippin’.

If you are meeting a dog

First, take a few deep breaths. This will calm you even if you are already calm and it will give the dog a sense of safety and security. You should also let the dog come to you. While you may want to run up to the dog and begin petting their adorable tummy, it can be incredibly scary for them, which may cause them to bite you. Sit or stand quietly and wait for the dog to approach you. When they are sniffing you try to stand still and remain quiet. When they are ready to greet you they will begin making eye contact with you and will be more than happy to get a belly rub. If they are not just remain calm and wait for them to leave. They will let you know when they are ready.

Dogs are wonderful, patient animals. By giving them a chance to become comfortable with you, you may find you have a best friend for life.



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