May 1 is National Purebred Dog Day

Oh look, a dogWhat are the most popular purebred breeds in the U.S.?

Labrador Retrievers

These sweet pups are loyal and endlessly loving. They need plenty of exercise but are always happy playing a game of fetch or just relaxing on the couch. If you decide to adopt one, be sure to keep them on a semi strict diet. They often gain weight easily.

German Shepherd

These pups are strong, intelligent dogs that love to be around their owners. They are popular because they making loving but protective guard dogs and they are relatively easy to train. If you decide to adopt a German shepherd be sure to do so from a reputable shelter or breeder that has stayed up-to-date on vet visits. This will help keep common problems such as hip dysplasia and cataracts at bay.

Golden Retrievers

Much like labs these pooches are loyal, loving, and very easy to train. They are also similar to labs in that they often gain weight quickly if not monitored. While you may want to share your French fries or meatloaf with your dog try to keep the scraps to a minimum so they stay happy and healthy.


These dogs are perfect for the movie lover or general couch potato. They are not super athletic or energetic and are thrilled to have a night in with you. Because of this they gain weight easily and can have health problems down the road. If you and your pet are the types that love to veg out just be sure to eat a healthy diet and go for nice long walks once a day. That way you two will never miss another marathon or have to cut binge watching short for extra vet visits.


These little guys are full of energy and excitement when it comes to being outdoors and with their family. These dogs are wonderful for families with children and will keep everyone moving throughout your pet’s entire life. They are low maintenance and fairly easy to train.


How to celebrate

A long walk or hike can be the perfect way to take your dog out and do something you both love. In May it is still fairly cool outside so you will be able to walk or hike for a fairly long time without the two of you getting overheated or tired. Just be sure to bring plenty of water for the both of you!

If you still have some energy, stop by the dog park. That way you can have a nice game of fetch or tug-of-war before heading home for a great dinner and an even better night’s sleep.

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