What You Should Know About English Bulldog Puppies

While English bulldog puppies are certainly adorable and make great pets, they also require a great deal of care. Following are some pointers to keep in mind if you are considering purchasing (or have already purchased) one of these lovely puppies.

English Bulldogs can be Stubborn

Unlike other dog breeds, English bulldogs are not particularly enthused about impressing their owners. It will take time to house-train them, teach them tricks and get them to stop chewing shoes you may have left out. Thankfully, there are dog trainers who can not only teach proper behavior but also help puppies overcome bad habits.

English bulldog puppies are also stubborn in their choice of food and will find it hard to switch over to a new brand name. Keep this in mind when choosing which foods to feed your puppy; if you pick an expensive brand name, be prepared to stick with it for a fairly long period of time.

Provide High Quality Toys

Bulldog puppies need something to chew on. Cow hooves are ideal, as are one-piece chew toys. However, pig ears and rawhide chew toys should be avoided.

Temperature Controls

Bulldog puppies are even more sensitive to extreme heat and cold than other puppies. Ideally, these puppies should be kept in temperatures ranging from 60 to 90 degrees, so be prepared to care for your pet indoors for a significant portion of the year.

Watch Out for Sickness

English bulldog puppies are prone to allergies and atopic dermatitis. If you have carpeting in the home, you may want to consider having it removed, as mites and other small bugs found in carpets can aggravate your new pet.

Your puppy will also need its face cleaned every single day. The folds tend to accumulate bacteria if left unwashed. To clean the puppy’s face, use either a clean, damp washcloth or unscented wipes. The folds inside the mouth should be cleaned after every meal.

English bulldog puppies make great pets. However, make sure you are able to give them the care they need before purchasing one. Doing so will keep both you and your pet happy and enable you to enjoy each other’s company for many years.

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