Jack Russell Terriers Rule The Roost!

Well, it will seem like it at times anyway. If you’re interested in a Jack Russell terrier, we’ve found that they’ll be excellent dogs to have, especially if you’re an energetic, lively person who wants a constant companion who isn’t afraid to express their own opinions and loves to have a good time. For those who love to give and receive attention, then a Jack Russell terrier may be the perfect dog for you.

For instance, we’ve found that Jack Russell terriers are very intelligent dogs. They’ll learn your schedule inside and out and you’ll find them waiting on you when you get home. Not only will they greet you with a wagging tail and a loud series of barks, they’ll expect you to pick them up and show how glad you are to see them as well. However, they are stubborn and expect things to go their way, especially when it’s play time.

With that said, you’ll need to keep in mind they are fearless beasts and will have no problem challenging even the largest of dogs who may come by their territory. We’ve all seen the cartoon where the little dog is furiously barking at the huge German Shepherd or Great Dane?? Well, odds are, that little dog was most likely a Jack Russell terrier. They are highly opinionated animals which means you will have some challenges as their owner. However, with training, they are great pets for families, especially children.

They have a high activity level and are very athletic which means the kids can run around the yard all day playing and the Jack Russell will still be willing to play, even after the kids run down. These terriers are also well known for their ability to jump after toys and treats and are hugely entertaining pets to have. As with any athletic breed, they’ll need a good diet and plenty of water as well as lots of exercise to keep them in top form.

There are many great places to buy pure bred Jack Russell terriers which means you’ll be able to select a pet that fits in perfectly with you or your family. To ensure everyone enjoys a happy and healthy life, we suggest a vet visit at least once a year and showering your pet with plenty of love and attention. They’ll be more than happy to reciprocate.

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