Why the Hypoallergenic Yorkshire Terrier Could Be For You

Yorkshire terrier puppyBeing a dog-lover who also happens to have canine allergies can be a real pain. Dogs are, after all, man’s best friend – they’re friendly, loyal, obedient, intelligent, and quite frankly, they can really come to love you. Stories of dogs standing by their owner’s graves for days and even weeks after their owner has passed attests to the devotion that you can inspire in a dog. Fortunately, you don’t have to consider dogs as strictly off-limits for yourself or your family if you or someone in your home happens to be allergic to dog dander. There are several breeds of dog that are remarkably “hypoallergenic,” meaning that they do not trigger allergies (well, often anyway). A common breed of this sort is the Yorkshire Terrier.

The Good and the Bad

The Yorkshire Terrier is well known as a lapdog: small, intelligent, delicate, with a great preference for comfort and ease. They tend to be very aware of their surroundings, and as such will often announce when strangers – or even well-known friends and family! – have arrived with a high-pitched barking that you will definitely, definitely hear. If you’re looking for a dog that doubles as a doorbell, a Yorkie is a good fit!

This breed of dog is very intelligent, and will often try to take command of your household’s other pets, especially other dogs, but owing to their size it is hard for them to back up their preference for authority. They aren’t very good at roughhousing and playing around, so expect them to spend most of their time with you, relaxing, or going for a walk, or getting into mischief (as this breed so often does).

The Most Important Thing is Your Health

There are many things that a Yorkie offers its owner, including a small dog that is easily carried and honestly doesn’t take up space in the home. This dog is energetic, fast, and yet doesn’t require much in the way of exercise. Most importantly, however, for those with allergies, this dog sheds very lightly, making it one of the best breeds for those who suffer from canine allergies. If all of these traits appeal to you and you’re someone who has allergies that are active around dogs, then this breed may be what you are looking for!

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