What Are The Most Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds?

Pet allergies are some of the most common allergic issues individuals run into. These allergies have derailed the dreams of many potential pet owners, as being able to breathe generally outweighs owning a pet. However, there are many dog breeds that are exceptionally hypoallergenic. It is important to realize there is no such there as a 100 percent hypoallergenic animal, as even if the pet is hairless, there are going to be skin cells and other elements of the animal that do shed. However, all of these dogs have very little shedding of any kind, which makes it that much easier on a potential pet owner.


This dog is perfect for people who suffer from allergies as the dog does not shed its fur, not to mention it does not smell or suffer from dander. On top of it, the dogs are often generally laid back and gentle, so it is the perfect family dog as well.

Chinese Crested

Generally, dogs with fur are the ones that cause the most allergies. However, it isn’t necessarily the fur that causes the allergies but the shedding of the fur and the oil that is attached to it. That is why the Chinese crested dog is perfect, as it is essentially hairless. The only hair on the dog is found around the ears, top of the head, tail and around the paws. Due to this, the dogs don’t really shed, although there is some dander from the skin, so you actually do need to use lotion on the dogs to keep their skin from drying out. The dogs do love to cuddle though and are great with children.


This dog provides the best of both worlds. The extremely short haired breed of dog doesn’t shed, and it doesn’t bark either, which is perfect for when individuals live in quiet neighborhoods but still want a pet. The dog breed can be a bit stubborn, but that is common with most hound dogs.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian greyhound is a smaller version of the larger greyhounds, so it has a very thin coat and barely sheds, which makes it easy to keep the pet clean. Also, the dog breed is exceptionally loyal and playful, although this is not a great dot for living in extremely cold climates (due to the lack of fur).

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