How to Know if Your Pup Needs an Exercise Routine


dog lifting weightsDepending on the breed, activity, and diet you may need to make sure your pet gets a bit more exercise than others. By going for an extra walk or play a nightly game of Frisbee after work you may help your furry friend live a longer, happier life.

Know the Breed

There are plenty of differences between a bulldog and a German Shepard and it isn’t just their faces. Some dogs are more prone to be lethargic and can even have health problems as they grow if not dealt with properly. Before adopting a dog, be sure to research the breed and make sure it will fit your lifestyle. If you are a very active person you may want to get a high-level energy dog like a grey hound. If you are usually sedentary an older Labrador may be more your speed. This way you can have a dog who is happy to be around you and healthy.


Even lazier dogs will be more than happy to run around in the backyard or go on a hiking adventure. Depending on the dog’s energy levels try to go for a 20 or 30 walk every day and do something special (a run, dog park, or hike) as often as possible. This will give you time to bond with your dog and will also keep both of you in shape. Don’t push if your furry friend gets tired. Bring plenty of water for the both of you and rest when necessary.


You should always be careful about what sort of diet you are giving your pet. While everyone gives Fido a piece of bacon here and there (sometimes even more) you should try your best to keep his or her diet as wholesome and nutritious as you can. I’m not suggesting you hand prepare each meal for your dog (not a terrible idea though) but you should make sure it comes from a sustainable and healthy company cares about the dog they are feeding. You should also be aware of portion control. Just like people, dogs have issues knowing when too much is too much. Be sure to only put enough for one meal in their bowl so they’re not constantly munching throughout the day. This will help their waistline and your wallet.

Your dog loves you and will love whatever time they get to spend with you. Make sure during that time they are healthy and happy so your life and theirs is better.

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