How to Keep your Dog Safe on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a very stressful time of year. We worry about every little detail and drive ourselves up a wall planning it all out. It is the most food based holiday of the year, and dogs enjoy the revelry at least as much as humans, with bits of this and that dropping on the floor, and all the great smells floating around the house. But Thanksgiving can’t be a free-for-all for our pets. Just because we try to pack away all we can doesn’t mean our dogs should. And there are certain items your dog really needs to avoid. Every year there is a large increase in Vet visits around the holidays because we allow our animals to indulge in the high fat feasts that we do, and the often pay the price.

Here are just a few tips to help your Pet make it through the holidays happy and healthy.

  1. Go light on the Turkey: I know it is hard to resist those sad “I am hungry eyes”, but only give your dog a light serving of turkey with their normal food. To much high fat meat and other items can wreak havoc on your dogs digestive system.
  2. Get out, get fit: making sure you take the time to get your dog out and running before the festivities begin is a big key also. If he is tired out, he will be less of a pest, and better behaved overall.
  3. Clean up after yourself: Make sure nobody is leaving plates with Turkey Bones lying around, if your dog ingests these, they can be fatal.
  4. I’m allergic: Be aware, Sage, Onions, Chocolate, and even a sip of your mis-placed Jack and Coke can lead to life threatening illness for Fido.
  5. Be aware of your dog: If it seems your pet is feeling upset about all the people around, get him to an area where he can have some peace and quiet. Some dogs as they grow older are less thrilled with crowded spaces.

Following these few basic tips will help to ensure you and your puppy have a happy Thanksgiving! We have lots of new Puppies for Sale, check em out here!

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