Housebreaking Aussiedoodle Puppies

One hybrid dog breed that is becoming more popular is the Aussiedoodle, also known as the Aussiepoo. As the name suggests, these are crosses between an Australian shepherd and a poodle. Both of these breeds are known for their intelligence. However, owners still have to go through housetraining.

Start Out Right

Before you bring your Aussiedoodle puppy home, select an outdoor toilet area for him or her. Most puppies have to urinate right after a car ride. When you take the puppy from the car, carry him or her right to the toilet area. Stay there until the puppy squats. Praise the puppy and then bring inside. This helps let the puppy know right away where the appropriate toilet area is.

Study Your Puppy

When puppies have to go, they squat. It can be difficult to see a small puppy squatting. It’s best to pay attention to your puppy’s behavior right before he or she squats. Puppies usually walk around in small circles, sniffing the floor before they squat. When you see this behavior, take them immediately outside to their toilet area. Puppies need to go about every two hours, after they eat and after a vigorous play session.

Cleaning Up Messes

Don’t yell or hit your puppy if you come home to discover a mess. The puppy has a short attention span and will not realize that pooping and peeing in the house leads to you being angry. They just know that you are angry, but they will not know why. Just quietly clean up the mess and pay better attention to your puppy’s behavior. Use a cleaner specially designed to neutralize urine odors. Never use products with ammonia because that will smell like urine to a puppy.

The Importance of Regular Grooming

Although each puppy’s coat will differ in thickness and length, all Aussiedoodle puppies need regular grooming. Their coats grow very quickly. Poop can easily get caught in a long coat, causing the puppy to make a mess even when he or she has gone outside to toilet. Make sure the tail and hair around the anus is trimmed, even in between visits to the groomer. If you are not sure how to trim your puppy’s hair, ask your vet to teach you.

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