Holiday Pet Hazards

Christmas is a time filled with joy, stress, and lots of things that can be hazardous to your pet. Most of the times when decorating or getting into the “Christmas spirit” we often overlook some of the general risks certain things pose to our family friends, but there are many, many things around this time of the year that can potentially harm our furry friends.

Did you know…….

  • Sneaking  a kiss under the mistletoe is commonplace this time of year, but even one or two berries from it can be fatal to any age dog.
  • The preserving solution you mix with water in the base of your Christmas tree does a great job of keeping it green and pretty, but make certain your pets can’t drink it, cause it can harm them, and even be fatal.
  • Giving Fido some table scraps makes him happy at the moment, but a sudden increase in fat-laden foods can cause the onset of pancreatitis.
  • Sugar free candy keeps our waistline trim, but the xylitol in these foods is poisonous to your pet.
  • Chocolate is a big hit for the holidays, but it causes major problems if our dog eats it. Chocolate can be fatal to smaller breeds, and causes at least diarrhea in larger dogs.
  • Holidays are stressful to our dogs too. Alot of extra people being around can cause a dog to become anxious, so spend some extra time playing and re-assuring them.
  • Onions and garlic are poisonous to dogs as well.
  • Grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs in large quantities.
  • Yes, your dog will try to eat a glass ornament. I don’t have to tell you all the complications this can cause.
  • Coffee and tea seems to get us through those family gatherings and late night wrapping/shopping excursions. But coffee, coffee grinds, coffee beans, and tea bags are fatal to our dogs in some cases. The canine body cannot properly process caffeine and it can cause serious issues.

We hope this helps save some family out there a sad event around the holiday. We have not listed all the items out there that are toxic, but this is a good reference for a list that is focused on the holidays. Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas!

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