Help Your Dog Get Out More!

Dogs are, quite naturally, social animals. That’s no wonder, considering the symbiotic relationship their species has formed with ours over the years, both of us getting quite a bit out of a relationship that is essentially social in nature. We bond and connect with each other while also performing services for one another ranging from protection to food to other great benefits. However, dogs are ultimately still animals, and just as in the case of humans, if they are not treated, trained, and taught correctly, they can quickly become more problematic than positive. That’s why it is so important to socialize your dog early, often, and well.

What is Socialization?

“Socialization” is a term thrown around quite a bit, but what it basically means is that your dog has the ability to function healthily and happily in normal society. They are not overly anxious, angry, fearful, or disruptive, and so they do not get regularly into trouble or have trouble interacting with other human beings, dogs, or other animals commonly in the domestic sphere of life. This may seem like a simple matter – after all, your puppy is so naturally curious and friendly, they can take care of their socialization entirely on their own, right? Wrong!

Socialization is something that you must actively undertake to help your dog become truly socialized from an early age. By exposing your dog to new environments and situations, they become more comfortable when they encounter other new things, animals, peoples, and experiences. This makes them more predictable, friendlier, and more capable of handling the stresses that come with a dog’s life.

Make Your Life Easier and Your Dog’s Happier

So how can you ensure that your dog is being properly socialized? First, consider obedience classes. These are structured classes led by professionals where your dog is given the opportunity to learn and then practice obedience skills within the context of meeting new dogs and people – the ultimate test of obedience and socialization! Parks, nature trails, and outdoor events offer your dog an opportunity to put these many skills to the test while also socializing them within the context of the great outdoors – an area less socialized dogs sometimes have trouble behaving properly in.

Pet stores and urban areas are other spaces in which socialization training can be tested, developed, and learned. Dogs will meet many other dogs and human beings in these environments, while also being exposed to the loud, mechanical, and crowded nature of the urban landscape. If you spend a lot of time downtown, this is probably the best kind of socialization you can do! Regardless of where you choose to socialize your dog, just make sure you do it – not only will your life be easier, but your dog’s life will be happier too!

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