Golden Shepherd Puppies

Golden Shepherd puppies are somewhat like the German Shepherd but a whole new breed. They are a cross between the lovely Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd. Both of these dogs are majestic looking animals and highly intelligent. The loyalty to owners is well known.

Care Supplies

Golden Shepherd puppies should be cared for like most. Feed them about four times daily and keep them clean. A puppy is a part of the family and should be treated that way. These puppies are like little ones, they need toys, their special bed and covers for comfort. Puppies can be hurt so you want to keep anything thy should not eat or chew on, out of reach, particularly your favorite slippers. Cute slippers may look too inviting.


Of course, booster shots and vaccinations are important. These start immediately. Protect your puppy and your family. Get to know the local vet and become familiar with local kennels. Pets like children have people they prefer as sitters. However, many hotels allow pets.

Space to play

Once people thought having a big backyard was a criterion for a large dog but not anymore. Populations are growing and people are moving to city apartments. Dog parks are on the rise and people are taking their pup out for exercise. Spend time with your puppy. Playing keeps them lean and heart active. Golden Shepherds are fond of water so have a good time.


Diet is critical to health even in animals so feed your pup a good puppy mixture. Kids love pets but sometimes they can be a little rough and they will feed them anything they are eating. This is loving, but not necessarily good for the puppy. So please let them know they want the doggie to stay well.

Check your puppy as closely as you would a child. Check ears, eyes and skin for problems and bathe them at least once a month. You want your pet to stay healthy and you. If your pet goes outside be sure to check for ticks and other irritating pest.

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