The Golden Retriever: Not Just Any Dog

At first glance, golden retrievers seem like an all-around reliable choice for a dog in your home, but in fact, they are just as unique, as special, and as needy as any other pet. They have their own particular set of quirks and problems, as well as strengths and virtues, that you will have to account for going forward in your life.

Some families think that by selecting a golden retriever they are basically done with having to deal with a dog that needs lots of attention or care, because they are so intelligent and well-mannered, typically speaking, that they come practically house-broken right form the start! Yet the truth is that you’re taken on a massive burden of training with a golden retriever, and knowing what you’re going to be getting yourself into is vital.

What a Dog Needs

The golden retriever is, in fact, a very active breed. They are incredibly energetic, and have remarkable endurance, such that they require quite a bit of exercise every day or else they tend to become quite fat. Overweight golden retrievers are not at all an uncommon sight when you see so many families that can’t afford to give their dog the time and attention he or she needs to be a lean, healthy animal! Yet that is exactly that a golden retriever requires. Golden retrievers also require regular brushing and other kinds of maintenance, as they have a heavy coat.

What a Dog Wants

Another requirement that golden retrievers have is socialization. The simple fact of the matter is that these are happy, friendly, social dogs, and they want to share that with others! Playing, spending time with others – whether they’re dogs or humans – and more is all important to the development, socialization, and ultimate happiness of a golden retriever. If you can give them that, along with plenty of exercise, then you may indeed be ready to care for a golden retriever! They’re truly one of the greatest breeds out there, and anyone would be lucky to have a retriever.

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