Finding the right Puppy

When deciding to bring a puppy into your home, there are a few things you should consider before deciding on a dog.


City vs. country , home vs. apartment , and your work schedule all make a difference when picking a puppy. While some dogs are o.k. if left alone all day others are more attention seeking. The size of your home and whether or not you have a yard is also important. While all dogs appreciate a large yard, some breeds such as Labradors, and German Shepherds need room to run around that they cannot get in a small apartment. In this case it would be best to go with a small dog, such as a Chihuahua or a Boston Terrier.

Other Residents

Other pets, people with allergies , and children a relate differently to pets. If you have other pets, you should consider whether they are likely to get along with a new puppy. You may want to consider a breed that is known for being friendly. The same is true if there are children, especially young ones. More aggressive breeds such as Pit Bulls, can be very dangerous to young children, because they have not learned to play nice or to defend themselves. If allergies are concern you may want to look into a breed that is considered to be hypo allergenic. These breeds typically shed less than other dogs and often have shorter hair. Some popular examples are Labradoodles, poodles, and Maltese.

Other Considerations

Once you have narrowed you list down to a few choices, there are a few more things you should ask you self. Some breeds have certain genetic tendencies for diseases and disorders that you should be aware of. You need to ask yourself if this is something you are willing to handle. Another thing to consider is cost. Some breeds are more expensive than others. Additionally some dogs require special diets or other preventative care. You need to know how much you can afford to spend on your puppy.

Now that you have carefully considered what type of puppy is right for you, I hope you feel better equipped to take on the momentous and rewarding task of owning a puppy!

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