English Bulldogs

The English Bulldog was bred in England in the 1500’s for bull baiting, a popular ‘sport’ where dogs had to fight against a chained bull (or bear). These dogs were bred for fighting capacity, and they were famous for latching onto their prey with an iron jaw which they refused to release—they could even suffocate opponents this way. English Bulldogs fell in popularity when bull baiting was outlawed in the 1830’s, but a committed group of devotees kept the breed alive and selected away any trace of ferocity.
These dogs are characterized by their pudgy, wrinkled faces. Because of there threatening appearance, many people thik of them as an aggresive breed, but the opposite is true. They are cosindered a docile breed and are generally of good nature. They are known to be a good dog for young children.
They have a small body and short legs. English Bulldogs are small dogs, and do not require very much exersize. Because of these two qualities, they are good pets for apartment dwellers and do well in small spaces. For this reason they have become popular in large cities.
Unfortunately, English Bulldogs have a short life span, averaging only 8 years. Despite this short life span, bulldogs are a popular mascot. They are often associated with Great Britian, are the mascot of the United States Marine Corps, and are the mascot of 39 United States Universities. The breed’s populartity as a mascot can be attibuted to its stately nature and reputation for being agressive. Many people attest that the jowls of the English Bulldog give it a statly regal look.
This fine dog is popular for many reasons. Its lesser need for exersize and small stature make it a perfect dog for apartment dwelling city people who are often short on both time and space. With their caramped quarters and busy lifestyile this dog will continue to remain a loyal companion without feeling negleected. Because of its calm, docile nature families with children love this dog. It always remain freindly and loyal, and never attacks a playful child, meaning that the parents need not worry.
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