Is the English Bulldog Right for Your Family?

BulldogsThe English bulldog is an absolutely iconic breed.

One that many are turning to these days as a breed to bring into their family, but many do so without doing their due diligence as far as research is concerned. As with any purebred dog, it is vital that you understand that dog’s strengths, weaknesses, personality, quirks, needs, desires, and problems both mental and physical before endeavoring to raise the dog. Otherwise you can easily end up with a dog that you are not adequately prepared to care for, forcing you to abandon or put the dog up for adoption. Either option is undesirable, so do yourself and your potential dog a favor and read up on the breed before jumping headfirst into a relationship with one!


The English bulldog is a moderately-sized dog, not the large dog that it is sometimes depicted to be; while it can be rather squat, it is low to the ground, and so won’t always take as much room to live in as other breeds, though their weight makes them wide, meaning narrow homes and rooms and hallways aren’t ideal for the English bulldog. The breed is, however, easy to care for, with a short coat that causes few, if any problems, and a low need for exercise, as it spends much of the day sleeping or otherwise resting! The dog also barks very little and is quite a relaxed breed indeed.


No breed is without its problems, however. The bulldog is prone to stubbornness and can be difficult to convince to do something if it truly doesn’t want to. It can be possessive about food, it can sometimes make a lot of minor noises like snorting, wheezing, grunting, and snoring, along with plenty of drool and slobber on the side. Plus, the dog tends to be quite flatulent, with a number of serious health problems as well, including a short lifespan, hip dysplasia, and more. But if you’re prepared for these issues, then have at it – the dog is a great companion to kids and to you too, and you will come to love your new, funny-looking friend!


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