Dogs that love being in water

DogNot every dog is a water-loving dog. Those with shorter statures or thicker coats may not be huge fans of the water or wonderful swimmers. If you enjoy the great outdoors and love to swim, fish, and hike you may want a pooch that will be happy to jump right in with you. Here are a few that we thought could be great companions in you aquatic excursions.

Labrador Retrievers

One of the most popular breeds in the world, Labrador retrievers are loyal, patient, and loving dogs who also have a blast out on the beach, fishing, or lounging by the pool. Labs were bred to fetch water foul from ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water during large hunts. They are strong swimmers and even have webbing between their toes to make swimming easier. If you want to take your pup out for a swim be sure to do so in calm water. While labs are strong and skilled swimmers, the first time they swim with you should be easier than the doggie paddle.


Like labs, Newfoundlands are strong swimmers that love brisk swims. They are fantastic at long distant swimming and have a thick coat to stay warm in icy water. Similar to labs they also have webbed paws. If you decide to adopt a newfoundland (or newfie) it is best to get them swimming by playing a game of fetch or tug-of-war in the water. Originally these pups were bred to retrieve nets for fisherman and love to test their strength against the tide. Be sure to swim in pretty calm and cool waters at first so your pet does not overheat from the workout and water.

Irish and English Setters

Known for their ability to cover ground quickly, Irish setters love the water. They are quick swimmers and they are determined if given a task or target in or out of the water. If you decide to adopt one, however, they are very active and need to maintain an active lifestyle to avoid obesity and anxiety. Their brother, the English setter has similar traits. Once you bring a pooch into the water it will be difficult to get him out. Luckily this is some of the best exercise for them.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Tiny but mighty, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is one of the smallest retrievers but is fast, smart, and determined. They have a short coat so they can glide through the water and strong legs to keep them swimming. These pups can be exceptionally playful so be sure to have a definite goal in mind so they do not get distracted.

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