Dog Clicker Training

Welcome back to one of the Internets best providers of Puppies for Sale. Today I would like to pass along some information on the Dog Clicker Training. We all have heard of many methods used to train dogs. I have heard of people using the old fashioned voice and hand commands, treats, or even in some cases shock collars(which I feel should be an absolute last resort). Clicker training seems like a great option to me. In this method, you are training the animal using a small noise making device that makes a clicking noise. The method is reward based, and has been used to train bears, whales, lions, dogs, and cats.

Based on the activity and speed at which alot of dogs complete one behavior and move to another, it is sometimes difficult to communicate to an animal what they are being praised for. For example, if you teach a dog to roll over, by the time you praise the dog when the roll is complete, it is already doing something else, this can confuse the dog. Studies have shown that the use of Clicker training can cut down training time by 1/3. There also seems to be a much higher retention of training when using the Clicker as opposed to correction based training. The great part about Dog Clicker Training is that you can transition it into voice and hand commands, so eventually the clicker wont even be necessary. Some people feel that it is a flawed training method because you give so many treats, but a simple solution is to use some of their daily allowance of Kibble as treats, they still view it as a reward. If you want to give it a try here is a basic guideline to Dog Clicker Training.

  1. Clicker to Reward association: You must first make sure your dog understands that when it hears the sound of the clicker, a reward is going to be given. Start out by getting your dogs attention, click once then give them a treat. You will be able to tell when the dog gets it, because if you click from across the yard, he will come running for his reward.
  2. After the association is made, timing is your only hurdle. Making sure that you are clicking right as the correct behavior/action is being performed is the key. If you fail to click at the right time, it is confusing to the animal. If I don’t click on time, I don’t click at all, that’s my philosophy.

I feel that training your dog using the Dog Clicker Training method is a great way to make training easier and simpler. If you need a more in depth guide, you can view it here.

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