The Best Age To Neuter or Spay a Dog

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. If you have ever owned a puppy before, you have probably faced the question, “what is the best age to neuter my dog?”. Well as a person who has owned a number of male dogs, I can tell you this, it is absolutely vital to do it before the reach sexual maturity, here is why. In some cases, well timed neutering can help a dog avoid some well known negative behavior patterns. Excessive mounting, aggression, and territorial marking (lifting a leg, if you know what I mean…) are all behavior that seem to develop around the point of sexual maturity. Now don’t get me wrong, some of these things will happen even if you get your dog neutered, but they seem to be much less prominent in dogs that are “snipped” earlier. And lets face the facts here, we want to do everything possible to make sure that our Un-Neutered Family Pet doesn’t try to “mount” the mailman.

But in all seriousness, what is the right age? Most vets advise between four and six months old to do the procedure. I will tell you, I let my dog keep his “doghood” until he was about 7 months old, and he started to get a little wild, just be aware. One of the great things about buying a dog from one of our reputable breeders is the fact that you will know the birth date of the puppy, so it will help you and your vet make the right decision as to the right time.

And lastly, let me dispell a few myths. Getting you dog neutered will not make him less playful, freindly, or any other negative thing. This is the best thing for a dog intended to be a family pet and not for breeding. Now granted a dog will be a little upset directly after the procedure, and you would be too, but let him heal up, he will be back to normal in no time!

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