Should I Microchip My Dog?

Should I get my dog microchipped? It is a frequently asked question, and as one of the net’s top websites with puppies for sale, we want to give you all of the tools available to help you to protect your dog, and the investment you have made. Have you ever walked into your local vet and seen lost dog posters? Imagine the helplessness you would feel if you walked out in your yard one day and noticed that your dog had broken it’s lead. I have personally never had a dog of my own get lost, but I have known people who have and it is a sad thing for a family to endure. There are many ways to ensure that you take proper precautions in regards to your dog going missing, but the best chance of getting your dog back after the fact is microchip technology.

What is a Microchip?

It is a small radio frequency identification chip that is implanted under the dogs skin. The actual chip is about the size of a piece of rice.

How does the microchip work?

It transmits a unique ID number for your dog that is able to be recognized by most Vets/shelters. It is injected directly below the shoulder blades. It is no more painful than receiving an injection, so Rover will be OK. When a shelter/vet takes in a lost dog, they scan the dog for a chip, and if your dog is chipped, Fido will be on his way home in no time!

How much does a microchip cost?

Prices vary, but generally they $20 and $70 dollars. My Some veterinarians like to do it as part of the spay/neuter process because it makes sense to just do it while the dog is sedated, but you can get your dog microchipped at pretty much any time.

In closing, we love our pets very much. Microchips aren’t only for dogs, get your cats chipped to. Most of us have seen the movie “Homeward Bound” and can remember the tear jerking end scene where the dogs finally find their way home. We all love our pet and there are plenty of Shadows, Sassy’s, and Chances out there that never find their way home, but we can make sure it doesn’t happen to us!

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