Roxy the Pomeranian

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. Normally I would be talking about something informative in my post, but yesterday I experienced something that touched my heart. I was out on my normal 12-1 lunch break and on my way back from picking up my McDonald’s Grilled Chicken salad when I was forced to slam on my breaks in the middle of one of the most busy streets in Lancaster, PA. The reason for this was because a tiny ball of fur ran out in front of my car before darting back to the sidewalk in terror from my horn. The dog stood there startled by the loud beep and then made another attempt to cross the street, almost being struck by a car coming down the other side of the street. I jumped out of my car as quickly as I could and approached the dog, when I called out to it, it immediately laid down and rolled over. I picked it up and carried it back to my car wondering who would let their dog run around a busy city street. With the dog on my lap, mostly because she wouldn’t stay in the back seat for me, I traveled back to my office and went inside to call in the dog’s license number. Thankfully the county gave me the address and phone number of the dog’s owners. I left a voicemail, got back on the road to get the Roxy the Pomeranian home.

I arrived at the home of the owners and knocked on the front door, but nobody answered. So I proceeded around the side of the house to see if maybe the dog escaped the back yard. Sure enough there was a piece of the wooden fence around the back of the house that was easily large enough for a Pomeranian to slip through. As I opened the fence the back yard I noticed alot of children’s toy’s around the back yard so I imagined the love they probably had for this little dog. I found the back door was hanging open about and I realized the dog had gotten out the door in what was probably an accident. I placed the dog back in the house, got in my car and went back to work. I got a call this morning from the owners of the dog thanking me for finding their puppy and thanking me for bringing her home to them. They were raving about how much their children love the dog and how they would have been crushed if she was lost.

Here is the moral of the story, I know people who are very reckless with the safety of their pets. Some people don’t renew their dog license, some don’t get them their vaccinations, and so on. But when we own an animal we are responsible for them like they are one of our children. Having the love of an animal is one of the most rewarding, pure things you will ever experience, so take it seriously. Treasure the time you have with them, and realize in a single breath or moment, it can all be gone which is why it is so important. Thank you Roxy for reminding me how important you all are. Thanks for stopping by!

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