Dog Hygiene

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog, and as always thanks for reading. What are the steps and time investment needed to keep your dog’s hygiene where you want it to be? Well, that depends on how in depth you want to be. Below I will address most of the types of grooming that you can do for your dog, and hopefully make you aware of some that you are not doing that are important.

  1. Brushing: Okay so this one is a no-brainer. Brushing your dog takes care of alot of the shedding problem, and it makes them happy usually, otherwise would they really stick their tongue out like an anteater when we do it?
  2. Bathing: Okay, I know, you already know this. But here is the thing, bathing isn’t just point the hose at your dog, slap on some soap, and done, or at least it shouldn’t be. Improperly bathing your animal can cause dry skin, leading to flaking, and excess itching. make sure you are using a shampoo that suits the needs of your pet.
  3. Drying: Now this one is a choice, think of it like waxing your car. If your dog is okay with it, using a blow dryer will give a nice shine to your furry friends coat. Hopefully your dog won’t bark at it like mine does.
  4. Teeth: Brushing your dogs teeth helps them have better breath, and keeps them healthy also. Gum disease is a major problem for dogs, so this is an important step in my opinion. They have special doggy toothpaste, or you can use water. If you can’t brush , try Dentastix to help them with self cleaning.
  5. Nail trimming: we talked about this in a recent blog, check it out here.
  6. Ear Cleaning: I also can tell you this is an important one. If ears are not cleaned, they can start to smell bad, and even get infected. Here are the steps to clean your dogs ears.
    • get some canine ear cleaning solution
    • soak a gauze or cotton ball with the solution
    • Gently clean the “leathers” and upper ear canal of debris and dirt. Be careful not to go to deep into the ear canal, use good judgment.

Well there is your basic guide to cleaning up your dog’s hygiene. I personally find it to be a great bonding experience with your pet to do this with your dog, now if you own a cat, not so much. I can show you the scars to prove it. To view our Puppies for Sale click here. Thanks for stopping by!

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