Note To Self: Your Dog May Eat Your Homework, But Don’t Blame Fido For Your Bad Driving

You know, most all of us have been in embarrassing circumstances that we didn’t want to have to explain at some point in our lives…most likely in our younger, more care-free years. lol

There’s a reason that some excuses have become cliche’ over the years, and there’s arguably nothing more cliche’ than “My dog ate my homework.”  Yeah, right.  I’m sure your dog was really licking his chops over your non-existent book report on “War and Peace.”  Kids.  What can you do?

The dog excuse was taken to the extreme yesterday when a Florida man was pulled over for DUI and, unbelievably, he claimed his dog was driving.


26 year old Reliford Cooper led police on a high speed chase and wound up going through a ditch and crashing his white sedan into a home in Manatee County.  After leaving the car and fleeing the scene and running into a church where police apprehended him in the bathroom.

His explanation?  He wasn’t driving the car…his DOG was.  He also went onto say “You ain’t gonna find no drugs or guns on me.”

What they DID find was that Cooper was guilty of drunken driving, aggravated fleeing and leaving the scene of an accident.  Oh yeah…authorities also smelled liquor and alcohol on him.

The moral of the story?

Ummmm…even the most intelligent dogs don’t drive.   Hopefully, these pooches will find themselves in the hands of a more responsible owner.




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