Chip Your Pet Month: Basics for caring for your dog

CyborgdogCaring for a pet is a large responsibility but it can be simplified by using training techniques, providing a healthy diet, maintaining you pup’s weight, and having your dog microchipped after adoption. This way they can be healthy and happy and you never have to worry about your dog should they get lost or simply go on an afternoon adventure.

Training and Play

Training with your dog is essential for you and your dog. You both need to know what the limits are. If this is your first dog or the first time you have owned a certain breed you may want to work with a trainer. Having a trainer for at least the first few sessions of training will help you become more comfortable training your dog and will show you how to properly communicate with your new friend. Once you are comfortable and have taught the basics to your pet you can work on more complex tasks, which will help keep your pooch’s mind sharp.

You should also understand what form of training would be best for your dog. While positive reinforcement is always the best form of training, rewards (specifically food rewards) can create a distracted student. Be sure to try to reward with play or petting before food. This will help your pup stay focused and will give you an option of a treat should the need arise.

Healthy Noms

No matter what the breed, age, or genetic background your dog needs a healthy source of food so your pup can stay active and happy. Be sure to purchase food that is protein instead of grain based and be sure it has wholesome ingredients instead of chemicals or preservatives. If you can you may make your own dog food. You can make your own by cooking meat and veggies. Avoid spices that are filled with salt or incredibly spicy. This way the food won’t hurt their digestion.


Your pup needs to get out and run around. A long daily walk will help keep them fit and happy. Be sure to also bring a water bowl with you so they stay hydrated.


Having a microchip placed in your dog will help them stay safe wherever they go. If your dog is found and returned to a shelter, they will be able to contact you so you can reunite with your best friend. Microchips have drastically lowered the amount of lost dogs and help pups leave shelters to go home with their families. If you have a pooch it is your responsibility to keep them safe, one way to do that is to have your pup microchipped today.

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