Chihuahua Puppies

Chihuahua Puppies are a very small dog breed but their loyalty and spirit make them far larger than their size. They are especially great for companions and are kept indoors by most owners. The origin of this feisty little dog is questionable but it is named for Chihuahua, Mexico. Chihuahua’s make great alarm dogs; they are small but their yelp is not quiet. The body shapes of these tiny dogs vary, some dogs have wide faces and others have very skinny faces. Chihuahuas are easy to carry and travel with. Many hotels allow pets so Chihuahuas make great travel companions. Enjoying time with these adorable puppies is an easy task. These puppies get cold very easily and cannot take temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so bundle them up nice and warm if you live in very cold climates. Chihuahuas are not outside pets.

Make sure that they get all their shots. Chihuahua puppies may be best for older people since they have a strong personality and may become jealous of their owner being with others. Some families with children do have Chihuahuas but usually the children are older. Chihuahuas love their owners but they have a jealous streak. Chihuahuas are extremely independent. Chihuahuas love to play and get into things. These are the easiest animals in the world to feed. Keep your Chihuahua puppies diet simple but nutritious and you will have a healthy pet.

Your Chihuahua puppy will need house breaking. With Chihuahuas this is not always an easy task but if you start early while it is still a puppy the challenge will be less difficult. Like most pets Chihuahua puppies love things to play with. The Chihuahua puppies adore toys that fit their mouth easily; they also enjoy staying busy, so any toy you find that does this will be great. Chihuahuas need the right care and diet to be healthy and happy pets. There are various illnesses that Chihuahua puppies are prone to. Keeping your Chihuahua puppy happy is an easy task. Getting your Chihuahua puppy trained by a good trainer is one of the best gifts a Chihuahua owner can give to their puppy. Chihuahua behavior can be stubborn but training will help you have the puppy you really want.

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