Cavalier King Charles Puppies

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies are curly haired lap pups. They are as playful as you like but if you have a quiet lifestyle, they are content. This lovely little dog is a great company keeper and adores his owner. This pooch was first developed by breeding small Spaniels with Pugs. The dog traveled across the globe and is now loved by many nations. This dog is not very big only about 12” high. If you love carrying your pet, this is a great companion because it is so small.

This pup does attract a few health issues. They are prone to mitral valve disease. They are not friends of hot weather so keep them cool and Cavalier Spaniel Puppies are also candidates for syringomyelia; this is a problem with the spine. They have weak patellas and may suffer from eye problems. Check to make certain your dog gets a health checkup, has proper papers and vaccines. This is important for the health of your family but is also a requirement if you want to transport your pup or leave him at a kennel. With loving care, this is a great pet.

Dogs are subject to mishaps too. Bee stings, accidents, injured limbs and the list goes on. Take care of your dog by giving him the car you would any injury but understand his response is that of a dog and cannot communicate the way you might. The Cavalier puppy likes to be with familiar people in order to feel secure so take care of your family pet. Local Vet clinics are great when your pup is accustomed to the staff. Being away from you is not so difficult.

Once you have your pooch you probably want to take him places. Get him accustomed to the car and check with public transports to see if your dog can travel. Give your dog some obedience training, barking all night at a hotel is not going to get you an invitation back and will probably create a no dog policy. A dog is a big part of a family and with loving care can stay with a family a long time.

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