Caring For Your Beagle Puppy

Beagle Puppies can be a great addition to your family. They are very friendly and social and are a good choice for your family if you have young children. Beagles do need to be exercised on a regular basis, so you should only get one if you have time to take them out regularly. You should always keep them on a leash when they are outside, unless they are in a fenced in yard. Unlike other dogs, beagles make noises that resemble crying more than they do barking.

Living Environment

Beagles can be kept in an apartment as long as they still get to be active and get to exercise on a regular basis. Beagles are extremely active even when they are inside, however they should be taken outside whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Health Problems

Certain types of Beagles are at risk of developing epilepsy, as well as back problems, eye problems and heart disease.  They have a tendency to suffer from mast cell tumors as well. They are also more likely than other breeds to suffer with dwarfism.  This means that their front legs will look warped, similar to how a Basset Hound woud look.

Beagle Grooming

Owning a Beagle requires you to brush their smooth, short fur with a brush that has firm bristles. Beagles should only be bathed when necessary, and even then, only with mild soap. It is important to keep their nails trimmed and to check their ears on a regular basis to make sure there is no infection.

Origin of Beagles

Beagles have been around since the 1500s when English hunters would use them to track down animals such as quail, rabbits, pheasants, hares and several other breeds of smaller animals. The Beagle has grown in popularity and is now among the most popular breed of dogs in the United States. There is speculation as to where the word Beagle came from. One theory is that the breed was named after an old English word; begele. Another is that it came from the French word beigh, and yet another is that it came from beag, a Celtci word that translates to small in English.

Beagles are wonderful dogs with sociable personalities and are very good for families with or without children. They can be kept with other types of animals, such as cats, if they are around them from an early age.

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