A Brief History of the Golden Retriever

If you are looking for an intelligent, loving, energetic and loyal canine family member, you cannot go wrong with a Golden Retriever. The breed is considered one of the top ten dogs on any popularity list. Although originally bred to be a hunting dog, it has become a coveted family dog that enjoys helping out with simple chores such as bringing in the morning paper, playing fetch and participating in family activities.

Brief Golden Retriever history

In 1835, Lord Tweedmouth of Scotland began breeding dogs with a goal to developing a breed that would be a good hunter, loyal to its owners and even-tempered enough to live in a home. In 1911, he came up with a breed known as “Retriever – Yellow or Golden” which, in 1920, became the Golden Retriever. The breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1932.

Attributes and needs of Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and loyal to their families. They do not like to be left alone, so if you choose one for your pet, you need to be prepared to take your dog with you whenever possible. Other attributes include:

  • They become a family member. They need to live indoors with the rest of their “pack.” Golden Retrievers do not do well if they are relegated to living in the backyard.

  • They have a lot of energy and need daily walks and playtime. They love to play fetch.

  • They are considered to be one of the most trustworthy breeds. Although no dog should be left alone with a baby or toddler, it is almost unknown for a Golden Retriever to ever intentionally harm a child.

Possible Golden Retriever problems

As wonderful as Golden Retrievers are, there are few things you should consider before choosing to bring one into your home.

  • The breed has some orthopedic problems such as hip and elbow dysplasias.

  • Although your Golden Retriever will likely pull you from the water if you are drowning and drag you out of a burning building, if a seemingly nice home invader arrives at the door with a doggie treat, your dog will be less of a watch dog and more likely to give the potential intruder a nice doggie smile.


Source:  http://www.dogtime.com/dog-breeds/golden-retriever

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