What Are the Best Dogs For Camping Companions?

Some of the best dogs for camping companions are also the best family-oriented pets and continue to be the most popular breed in t he United States. Meet the Labrador Retriever group. Labs, as they are most commonly known, are truly affectionate dogs that love their pack, or family, and want to please. Labrador Retrievers have three primary colors of black, yellow and chocolate.

They have high energy levels to make them enthusiastic on camping and fishing trips. Long walks or romps through the woods are a favorite for labs. Labs are originally from Newfoundland and were helpers to fishermen. This working breed canine would help pull in nets with fish for hours on end to willingly help their masters.

Camping With Dogs

Dogs prefer the same amenities when camping as humans do. If your lab is sleeping outside of your tent or cabin, he needs a bed and a ground stake so he can’t wander off in the night. He would prefer to sleep inside with you to stay warm in the cooler months, though. Take a leash with you to prevent your lab from chasing critters in the woods and possibly getting lost. Of course, he needs his food and water dishes and lots of fresh water. It’s best to take copies of his medical records, the veterinary clinic’s phone number and emergency contact numbers in case of an emergency. Take a first aid kit with items in it for simple abrasions and scratches that you can take care of yourself. You should include tweezers, scissors, gauze, antibiotic cream, eyewash and vet wrap in your kit. Benadryl capsules come in handy for allergies and hydrocortisone cream for topical allergies.

Lab Home Environment

Labrador Retrievers are considered a large dog breed, and thus need room for play. It is best to have a medium to large yard for outdoor play with a doggie door to allow them inside time with their family. Labs have very strong tails that can swipe objects off tables when they are an adult. Removing items from the coffee table in the living room may be advisable. Labs are double coated with an exterior coat that sheds year round. Brushing your dog daily forms a bond between you and keeps excess hair off your furniture. Labs love playtime with their family. Many interesting toys keep their attention directed in the right manner. Dogs of all breeds can become bored in small areas and begin chewing items that they shouldn’t. Puzzle toys to insert dog treats or peanut butter inside and let them get it out gives dog’s hours of fun and shows you how diligent your four-legged friend can be.


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